Breaking News Tab

The Breaking News tab gives you streaming, real-time general market news headlines. Click a headline to display the article in the preview pane. Double-click on a headline or right-click and select Open Story to open the article in its own window.

News Provider Settings

You may enable or disable specific news providers from streaming news to your News tool. To make changes to these settings, right-click in any of the news tabs or click the Actions drop-down and select News Provider Settings.(This is a global setting, so it is also available from the main Settings menu at the top of the software.)

Check or uncheck news providers as you wish and click Save to enable the changes and close the window

Keyword Filters

Filters allow you to narrow your breaking news display to subjects or companies of particular interest to you. A green check on the Keyword Filters button indicates there are filters applied to the Breaking News tab.

  1. Click Keyword Filters at the top of the Breaking News tab.
  2. Check Look for Keywords and then specify where you want to look for them: In headlines only, in stories only, or both.
  3. Enter the keywords you wish to search for, putting commas between each word or phrase. The search keywords are treated as though they have an 'or' between them, so if any one of your keywords turns up in a breaking news article, it will display in your Breaking News tab.
  4. Click OK when you're finished.